Reference Label Details
WinTable 2003M. L. Frenkel, X. Yan, Q. Dong, and X. Hong, "NIST/TRC Table Database (WinTable 2003)", NIST Std. Ref. Database 85, National Institute of Standards and Technology: Gaithersburg, MD 2003; includes TRC Thermodynamic Tables - Hydrocarbons and TRC Thermodynamic Tables - Non-hydrocarbons
est uncestimated uncertainty
Giauque 1938aW. F. Giauque and C. C. Stephenson, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 60, 1389-1394 (1938)
Sulfur Dioxide. The Heat Capacity of Solid and Liquid. Vapor Pressure. Heat of Vaporization. The Entropy Values from Thermal and Molecular Data