Reference Label Details
Hunter 1998E. P. Hunter and S. G. Lias, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 27, 413-656 (1998)
Evaluated Gas Phase Basicities and Proton Affinities of Molecules: An Update
Note: the evaluated affinities have a general uncertainty of +- 8 kJ/mol (p.425, section 5.4.)
est uncestimated uncertainty
Taft 1986R. W. Taft, J. F. Gal, S. Geribaldi, and P. C. Maria, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 108, 861-863 (1986)
Unique Basicity Properties of Conjugated Amino Cyclohexenone Derivatives. The Effects of Molecular Structure on the Disparate Basicities Toward Protonic Acids