Reference Label Details
Bilde 2015M. Bilde, K. Barsanti, M. Booth, C. D. Cappa, N. M. Donahue, E. U. Emanuelsson, G. McFiggans, U. K. Krieger, C. Marcolli, D. Topping, P. Ziemann, M. Barley, S. Clegg, B. Dennis-Smither, M. Hallquist, Å. M. Hallquist, A. Khlystov, M. Kulmala, D. Mogensen, C. J. Percival, F. Pope, J. P. Reid, M. A. V. Ribeiro da Silva, T. Rosenoern, K. Salo, V. Pia Soonsin, T. Yli-Juuti, N. L. Prisle, J. Pagels, J. Rarey, A. A. Zardini, and I. Riipinen, Chem. Rev. 115, 4115-4156 (2015)
Saturation Vapor Pressures and Transition Enthalpies of Low-Volatility Organic Molecules of Atmospheric Relevance: From Dicarboxylic Acids to Complex Mixtures