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note CH3Blush 1993 report IE(CH3) = 79349 +- 3 cm-1 as a head band. This value has to be increased, since the N=0 K=0 level of CH3+ X 1A1' to which it refers is wiped out by nuclear statistics. Calculated from constants found in Jacox 1994 the N=1 K=0 level is at 18.725 cm-1. However, the lowest existing level is N=1 K=1 at 13.969 cm-1.
Schulenburg 2006A. M. Schulenburg, Ch. Alcaraz, G. Grassi, and F. Merkt, J. Chem. Phys. 125, 104310/1-10 (2006)
Rovibrational Photoionization Dynamics of Methyl and its Isotopomers Studied by High-Resolution Photoionization and Photoelectron Spectroscopy