Reference Label Details
2nd LawSecond law analysis
Malaspina 1973L. Malaspina, R. Gigli, and G. Bardi, J. Chem. Phys. 59, 387-394 (1973)
Microcalorimetric Determination of the Enthalpy of Sublimation of Benzoic Acid and Anthracene
Wiedemann 1970H. G. Wiedemann and H. P. Waughan, Proc. Toronto Symp. Therm. Anal. (3rd), H. G. McAdie, Ed., 233-249 (1970)
Application of Thermogravimetry for Vapor Pressure Determinations
Note: Toronto Symp. Therm. Anal. 3rd, Chemical Institute of Canada, Ottawa 1969
Wiedemann 1972H. G. Wiedemann, Thermochim. Acta 3, 355-366 (1972)
Applications of Thermogravimetry for Vapor Pressure Determination